Monday, January 31, 2011

Windows Live

Time for my random update... it's been a while I know. Work being as busy and fruitless as it has been, I decided to go ahead and check some stuff out.
So to start out I decided to squander some time with Windows live essentials 2011. Although Windows live was actually announced in 2005 it has been a little rocky to use. After adding some extras to the pot Bill Gates has scored himself a gold star again.
If you don't have outlook Windows live mail is a great exchange, it's a lot nicer and much more streamlined then the older versions of outlook. When you download windows live essentials you also get the the writer, msn manager, bing bar, the outlook connector, and silver live.
It's a pretty sweet deal, the only thing is that most of the package isn't compatibly with XP so, its kinda of a downer if you still have an xp machine... and a lot of us still rock it out.
Well that's the mini update of the day I'm actually compiling more data and I will be adding more than one post soon.
And per the norm your download if the day can be found here ----> WLM

Oh and bang to the extra's I found Windows live mail for XP (right when I was just going to give up looking to!) ----> WLMXP

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Another bloggerriffic day in paradise...

I thought I would go over Safe Mode, how to get there why us geeks use it to remove viruses and so on.
Ahh safe mode the hardest thing you can talk someone through over the phone.
Any how Safe mode is the diagnostic mode of the computer... just about anything you want fixed can be fixed under Safe Mode. Though it varies by operating system, typically safe mode loads as few executable modules as possible and usually disables devices, except for the minimum necessary to display information and accept input. So in regular speak this means the only things you need to run the computer are the only things running at all. You don't even get to see the background when safe mode is up.
Now to get there is a whole situation itself.
So here's the run down...
1) Turn on computer
2) Tap the F8 key repeatedly before the computer loads (F5 if ASUS)
3) A list will come up in black and white use the arrow keys to choose which mode to enter then press the Enter Key

A list of loading files will then appear on your computer and after that passes you computer will show your normal screen just with larger icons.
Now when you call for remote support, generally the will ask you to enter Safe Mode with Networking so that you can also use the internet, that way they can log in and fix your computer.

And that my friends is the skinny on Safe Mode!!!
Enjoy your day!

Monday, January 10, 2011

And we're back!!!

Well now that the holidays are finally over and work being as back logged as it was I've found that due to the Wiki-leaks issue my work load has doubled in size. And this seems all the more reason to bring up internet security. There are a lot of viruses out there. And since these kids with too much knowledge but not enough sense started this whole "we like this dude who talks to much and puts our country in danger" tantrum, turning all the computers in the open into zombies I've been enforcing new anti-virus laws all by my lonesome.
So lets go over the basics,
If you don't know who sent you the email... don't open it Delete it!!!
If the email is a forwarded from a friend, don't read it delete it... its probably not all that funny anyway.
Don't click on adds
Stick to websites you know
Run anti-virus software once a week
Password protect everything and never save the password on the computer keep it on paper hidden.
Never tell anyone your password, ever!
Get a fire wall.
Keep your pop up blocker on!
Use one of my previously mentioned internet browsers with the security add-ons!
Back everything up once a month, use once again a previously mentioned software for that.
And if your at home using a wifi router make sure you have changed the name the password security option and once your connected, hide the broadcast.
All of these items can be seen in detail from previous posts.

Welcome to the New Year which means New issues.... but just remember I'm here for you!!!!!