Monday, January 31, 2011

Windows Live

Time for my random update... it's been a while I know. Work being as busy and fruitless as it has been, I decided to go ahead and check some stuff out.
So to start out I decided to squander some time with Windows live essentials 2011. Although Windows live was actually announced in 2005 it has been a little rocky to use. After adding some extras to the pot Bill Gates has scored himself a gold star again.
If you don't have outlook Windows live mail is a great exchange, it's a lot nicer and much more streamlined then the older versions of outlook. When you download windows live essentials you also get the the writer, msn manager, bing bar, the outlook connector, and silver live.
It's a pretty sweet deal, the only thing is that most of the package isn't compatibly with XP so, its kinda of a downer if you still have an xp machine... and a lot of us still rock it out.
Well that's the mini update of the day I'm actually compiling more data and I will be adding more than one post soon.
And per the norm your download if the day can be found here ----> WLM

Oh and bang to the extra's I found Windows live mail for XP (right when I was just going to give up looking to!) ----> WLMXP

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