Sunday, September 8, 2013

I don't think that your faith should be muddied by facebook.....

On day 3 of the A/c being out I woke up in yet another wonderful mood. I wouldn't mind if I was just outside because there would be a breeze, but being in here is like being stuck in a sardine can of humidity and no wind. It reminds me of the swamps back at home in Florida, sticky and gross.

Moving on because I'm sure you all are not interested in my bad attitude towards my apartment right now. But it's Sunday, as most of my friends and family consider it a day to worship their God of choice. Seeing as I believe in none of it I will not participate but at the same time I have no interest in judging. My science isn't completely proven correct as their books are not complete proven as false. My rule of thumb is do as you wish but please, leave me out of it I hold no interest and I'm sorry it upsets you but it's how I feel and being a good person you should respect that.

If you look around however you will notice that there is honestly a holy war of religions taking place in this world. I find this sad, I don't see why some think its not o.k. to believe in what you want. You won't see me going around screaming at the religious, "You need to read a science book!" it's unnecessary, rude and disrespectful. I have however been known when provoked to provide a decent debate.

But more to the point I have an issue with faiths being blasted on Facebook, you know the one's "This person will die if you don't like to pray for them!". I have studied up on many religions but my largest fascination is Christianity. The most boisterous in America. I know the book quiet well, and its messages. At one point in the bible, it says if you have the faith of a mustard seed you can move mountains. I think that's universal, if you have enough faith in yourself you can change the world for the better. I just don't think that 1 like = a prayer. If you take your religion seriously you don't post something like this, you sit down with your prayer list and pray. In other religions the focus of your spiritual energy goes into your prayers and it pushed to the person you are focusing on. Asking your God for money and fame is not what he wants in my opinion, its just like asking for toys on Christmas from Santa, it shows greed.
We are all given time of great pain, struggle and hardships it's part of the human experience. We learn from these times grown from them, pray for help as we work through them. Your faith shouldn't be based on a post, and when that post is shaming someone for not sharing it, you're doing the opposite of what you were taught.
Yes you were told to spread the good word, but not force it on others. You are not the one to judge another your God is, you have no right to pick on those who don't share the same religions as you.
In my opinion, these shares are a disrespect to yourself, your religion and your God. It makes you look bad, and in certain cases offends others. Spread the word by all means you can teach others to do right and be good, but understand this if someone says they aren't interested don't hound them... pray for them. This is what your faith is about, being good to others not sharing a picture of a kid dying that requires a like.
Truly understand that we are all human and when this life end you may go where ever your religious book entails for all we know every religion is correct. There maybe several heavens for several people, I don't see how that can't be true when there are many universes and paradox universes.
Don't quabble over the details of your books, pray for each other for that is what your Gods truly want. Peace amongst the different people who wear different cloths.
Facebook is not the place to ask for prayer, your house of the holy is. So please stop with the shares and the like requirements, I know you have a prayer list somewhere you use. Ask your church members and join your prayer list, because faith in numbers to the people up stairs that's what matters. Don't degrade your religion by posting something moronic on facebook and expect other to receive the good word, teach other by talking to them praying with them and being there for them in during their trials and tribulations.

That's all I got, that and I hatteeeee Facebook on Sundays. It's football season someone load up the scores!!!!!

This is the shit I'm talking about.... Let me quote one of these posts(below).

"Free Daily Devotional:

Please type "yes" if Jesus is welcome in your heart! #Jesus #God #Bible""
This to me is disrespectful, you don't hashtag your religious leaders and Deity!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

I only ever asked to live fully....and you have given me that

I woke up today in an apartment with a broken a/c unit. I can say the same about this yesterday, however thankfully (first time you hear me say this) I had to go to work. At least there the weather machine is controlled by a polar bear, usually I wear a jacket and work with it. It's a thousand degrees in here and I know some one turned fall on a couple of weeks ago, I'm just waiting for that wonderfulness to seep through a window around here.

Today I'm going to talk about human expectation, well in this case what is expected of this 26 year old by others surrounding her.
Living in North Carolina was never my plan, like ever in fact if you asked me ten years ago what I was gonna do what I left the house, my answer was always travel the world with work. I wanted to follow my moms footsteps, but I'm not good at chemistry EPA regulation or international Law. My skills are computers, cars, hvac and construction (and physics but I have never used it unless to play sports where on my head I can calculate how to win).
I've tried relentlessly since finishing my schooling to get jobs where I could be a international goddess of computers. Sadly not one option has appeared. They say you can't fail if you try but lately I feel like I've failed so many times that I feel there's no point in continuing.
I was expected to move here with my (at the time husband) and work in a place I've never been. I made it work, but when the expectation became too great and things weren't working I walked away.
I then was expected to be ok with how that worked out, and with a roommate that followed this disaster I was expected to do what ever he wanted, again I walked away.
And so the cycle continued, as time went by I started to realize men expect me to do what they want, not what I want. I am just supposed to do what is asked silently, and no one ever asks "Hey what do you want?"

I recently figured that out... I don't know.

I've been pushed around and expected to do everything for so long that I stopped thinking about me. When I brought this to my mother her response was find a man with money and do what he wanted so I could do what I want.
I don't like that answer, its purposely to me. I am a person not a piece of property or something to own. But as I go on I realize that woman in america are just expected to do what men around tell them, to have no option to move forward. Why? Because every religious book says so and that currently is how society works.

Expectations are a waste of my time, I don't want to do what a man tells me to do. Honestly I hate almost all men, it started when my mom got married to my very very Christian step dad. From the beginning of my time as a person I've been told I will do what "he" (whoever that may be) says. No, screw that I want to do what I want to do.
I want to expect you men to bow to me, to listen to me and to hear me. I'm good at my job I'm great at engineering weird things on the weekends to play with. I like programming and I don't want to do it for someone who's going to pay me pennies for what work I see as worth millions. I want to expect everything from others..... not the other way around.

With this economy (and I'm talking world economy) how are the youngest, the smartest and the women to go forward and break the boundaries of creation in this world? If I can't get a job doing what I had planned, how will those who follow me do so? I feel like we need a golden age, and we have it on you tube with t.v. shows and movies the artist of our world can create, you can even learn almost anything on it.
But what about the rest of us? The technical, the engineers with no backing and the citizens who just don't know what direction to go.
I watch the news way more than I should (at least that's my assumption)and watching America being at war this long, knowing that people are slowly being removed from this planet and not by any choice of their own. I came up with the idea of all wars being turned into video game wars, tournaments essentially where the governments of the currently disputing countries write up an agreement they both must follow so winning team gets X where the loosing team gets Y. I'm not staking this on one game, I'm saying a convention multiple games where all of our citizen can have the pride to fight for their country and have more information on what it is we are doing to these other people with out destroying their homes, and taking their lives. What are we gaining do it the way we do now?

Is it wrong after seeing and knowing all of this for me to expect more from the world?
Or is it my expectations that don't matter in this universe on this plane of existence?

I want to be able to say to the person who will save me from this cycle at the end of my life, "I only ever asked to live fully, and you have given me that."

This seriously is how I feel.....

Friday, September 6, 2013

Oh My, what budget do we have here?

So today I thought I'd cover budgets. I chose to do so after talking to my mother this morning, she was looking for a cat toy for her beloved monster (he likes to bite me and I was the one who adopted him over 10 years ago).
She was in her local grocery store and had no luck so she said she would try by going to the almighty walmart. I know we all have budgets we need to stick to and this is where I'm going to start, if you really want control of your budget... AVOID WALMART LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!
I'm serious about this, this company is a disaster and has been raping the american wallet for some time now.

Most of you would say this post is about hating capitalism and big box store, said is not the case and I will tell you why. About 3 months ago was the last time I treaded in a walmart, I went in for food 6 bags of it to be exact my final price for the food was almost 200 dollars. I was irate to say the least, 6 bags how is this possible I had even checked prices as I went.

After that I decided to do some analytics on how to save myself from certain overdraft, or even worst spending a weekend on the internet doing nothing healthy (I digital detox on the weekend, for those who don't know what this means I ask you to click the link over here >> click me!). Anyhow I ran a month long spreadsheet of what I had saved by making some changes. I was saving about 200 dollars a month by avoiding Walmart, it was making a huge difference in how my roommates and I we're spending weekends. I live with 2 men, so food doesn't last long in our house.

So to show you what I have done I'm going to give you a list of my changes.

First and most importantly, if you can find it at the dollar store buy it. I have a obsession with cleaning (as I said live with 2 guys so for me this is a big deal) All the cleaning supplies are 1 dollar and just of so much use, even the room sprays I like the carpet sprays its a no vacuum deal you spray walk away let dry and your house just smells so great. On top of that, I bake a ton, a lot of the baking supplies you find (example vanilla extract) are sold in small bottles the ones I've found in the dollar store are hugeeee and you just can't beat it.

Second stop, Big Lots the range on this is cheap to like top side 10$ for things you need. Food, house décore (they also have some awesome furniture for cheap)and oddly enough cheap toiletries. I would usually say like CVS or Wallgreens but biglots just beats them out. If you haven't heard of them see the link over >>> Here.

Third, your local grocery store. They usually have a rewards card, that will always trump walmarts "savings". The best part about this is if you shop it the right way, you can save so much. What you need to do for this that will make a difference is get the meat from the meat section. Avoid the frozen section when it comes to this. The difference is they will give you some good selection and it will be cheaper than the frozen section. Some of you would say no I can't do that all those meat are packaged and have to be use like right when I buy them!! No, this is where working hard will pay off pull the meat out of the packaging and put them in some freezer bags (dollar store ones are just as good as your name brands) and freeze them until needed.

My Last subject on this will be the rewards card and coupons. So rewards cards from big lots are great your points add up to like days where you get 20% or more off your shopping at random times, same with the local grocery store, I traverse food lion and my card not only gives me discounts but on the way in also gives a printed coupon list (there's a little machine in the front that prints them out) its just so wonderful.
Coupons, however are the one thing I think is a be very careful situation, it to me is like a 2 edged sword. They are great for what you need but if you use ones you don't you end up spending money on things you just truly don't need. So for coupons, I carefully choose what it is on the list that I need and use them nothing more( I made the mistake one time and it was costly).

On that note I shal provide you with one link for one of my favorite places to get coupons, the reason that it is my favorite is because for every coupon you use from them you get points for more free stuff which to me is just a plus!!!

Swagbucks <<< This place is just ever so nice! (and they have an app!) Happy Savings Guys!!!

We all had spaghetti nights.... they are cheap, easy and fun to play with!!!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Money.... none us of have any, but here's some fun ways to pay bills.....

Amongst my random internet roaming I find an interesting thing here or there involving money.
I'm going to be honest I always look for a secondary form of income. Let's face it, this economy sucks
and with school loans a car loan and rent my salary has been less then acceptable(no one's paying now and
But as I spend the better part of my day in the office, secretly searching for an exit that will let me work
from home or perhaps if I'm lucky move somewhere else(I have a place I want to go that not here in Durham). I have lucked out and found
a spot here or there that will get me through the bills with out my bank over drafting, so today that is what
I will be sharing.
Let's start with my second job(yes I have one) I found a part time gig I can work on from home on Elance. This
is a marketplace
where your skills in your field (or if you want to dive into a new field) can be used on free-lancing. In
other words do what you like
and get paid for it. Mind you its never too much money but for those of us just trying to make it happen it is of great use.
My original reason for looking on the site was to see if I could find some way to make money marketing things on social media.
I know a great deal of people who have made a career on this, and to be honest I have scripts run most of my social media from a server
back home. I just put a database together with random information links pictures and what not, it just auto populates and boom we're good.
Which brings me to my next site, random internet hunting found me this little gem, this is the
first site I've seen that you can not only
use to promote you blog, twitter and what not but you make money from it as well. You get points for making
friends, post, and blasting your
blog posts. The points in turn are given a dollar amount and you withdraw your money. I have been playing with
it for a couple of weeks now
I don't mind the small amount of work you put out personally the idea itself is amazing to me. I think one
step up from that would be a
social media spot where you get paid for ad's you throw in your feed. Like ad sense but with a facebook feed
to keep it interesting.
The site itself I imagine is going to need a little more work before it comes to a level of greatness, but I
like being the first to play with new toys
so you won't here a complaint out of me. That all being rambled about, below I will attach the invitation link
for Keeger and Elance.
Go ahead and check it out!!!

You have been invited by Jessica to join the Keeger community. Visit Jessica's profile at

My less than graceful return..............

In my never ending list of things to do I traversing the internet and forgot I own a blog.
I have no idea why I fail so much I suppose it's focus on work load or my never ending quest to gain more knowledge.
I spend the better part of my time testing out different things that teach me about everything.
Which brings me to my wonderful topic of the day, places on the internet to learn. (insert rainbow and unicorns here)
Not many people like to learn after they have been in school for years and years, but I am against that.
The reason is because as you learn more over time, you're keeping your brain in check. This also prevents most brain
numbing diseases like dementia and alzheimer's. Since both of those options run rampant in my family I spend most of my days
just gathering knowledge when I have free time at work.

I suppose I should tell you I specialize in Linux and programming, I didn't always and to be honest its been a while since
I've needed to code anything at work so as of right now I'm rusty. My daily combatant for this is
This is a website that can route you anywhere you want to be when it comes to coding, I wish they had it before I had entered college.
I spent soo much money on education, and the programming classes for just not up to par compared to what I've seen and worked with
on this site. I'm just amazed and getting less rusty on a daily basis. It's been a great experience and for those of you interested
in coding I suggest you go look and be educated. As you go as well there are other sites linked to so you can expand your
knowledge as you go, all of which is free. I can't stress enough how awesome it is not to pay a ton of money you don't have to have
a poor learning experience.

My second option for getting your learns on is, this is a half free half pay situation. Most of the pay classes are worth it
on top of which over time if you see there's something you can teach people you can put a class up and earn money from educating others.
I've had a great experience with this site as well. As I said I stick to one set of learning when it comes to my daily bump in knowledge
however this sight can teach you anything about anything. From crafts to humanities and health and fitness. I prefer taking the free classes
but I'm not going to lie on this site I've paid for a class or two and I was nothing but happy about it. If you have time when your home and
you want to learn something random that will help you with life I suggest checking out Udemy.
So that's my little rant for the day, get ready because I will return to posting on a daily basis again(yes I know I have said it before,
but I've planned ahead this time so game on!)