Friday, September 6, 2013

Oh My, what budget do we have here?

So today I thought I'd cover budgets. I chose to do so after talking to my mother this morning, she was looking for a cat toy for her beloved monster (he likes to bite me and I was the one who adopted him over 10 years ago).
She was in her local grocery store and had no luck so she said she would try by going to the almighty walmart. I know we all have budgets we need to stick to and this is where I'm going to start, if you really want control of your budget... AVOID WALMART LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!
I'm serious about this, this company is a disaster and has been raping the american wallet for some time now.

Most of you would say this post is about hating capitalism and big box store, said is not the case and I will tell you why. About 3 months ago was the last time I treaded in a walmart, I went in for food 6 bags of it to be exact my final price for the food was almost 200 dollars. I was irate to say the least, 6 bags how is this possible I had even checked prices as I went.

After that I decided to do some analytics on how to save myself from certain overdraft, or even worst spending a weekend on the internet doing nothing healthy (I digital detox on the weekend, for those who don't know what this means I ask you to click the link over here >> click me!). Anyhow I ran a month long spreadsheet of what I had saved by making some changes. I was saving about 200 dollars a month by avoiding Walmart, it was making a huge difference in how my roommates and I we're spending weekends. I live with 2 men, so food doesn't last long in our house.

So to show you what I have done I'm going to give you a list of my changes.

First and most importantly, if you can find it at the dollar store buy it. I have a obsession with cleaning (as I said live with 2 guys so for me this is a big deal) All the cleaning supplies are 1 dollar and just of so much use, even the room sprays I like the carpet sprays its a no vacuum deal you spray walk away let dry and your house just smells so great. On top of that, I bake a ton, a lot of the baking supplies you find (example vanilla extract) are sold in small bottles the ones I've found in the dollar store are hugeeee and you just can't beat it.

Second stop, Big Lots the range on this is cheap to like top side 10$ for things you need. Food, house décore (they also have some awesome furniture for cheap)and oddly enough cheap toiletries. I would usually say like CVS or Wallgreens but biglots just beats them out. If you haven't heard of them see the link over >>> Here.

Third, your local grocery store. They usually have a rewards card, that will always trump walmarts "savings". The best part about this is if you shop it the right way, you can save so much. What you need to do for this that will make a difference is get the meat from the meat section. Avoid the frozen section when it comes to this. The difference is they will give you some good selection and it will be cheaper than the frozen section. Some of you would say no I can't do that all those meat are packaged and have to be use like right when I buy them!! No, this is where working hard will pay off pull the meat out of the packaging and put them in some freezer bags (dollar store ones are just as good as your name brands) and freeze them until needed.

My Last subject on this will be the rewards card and coupons. So rewards cards from big lots are great your points add up to like days where you get 20% or more off your shopping at random times, same with the local grocery store, I traverse food lion and my card not only gives me discounts but on the way in also gives a printed coupon list (there's a little machine in the front that prints them out) its just so wonderful.
Coupons, however are the one thing I think is a be very careful situation, it to me is like a 2 edged sword. They are great for what you need but if you use ones you don't you end up spending money on things you just truly don't need. So for coupons, I carefully choose what it is on the list that I need and use them nothing more( I made the mistake one time and it was costly).

On that note I shal provide you with one link for one of my favorite places to get coupons, the reason that it is my favorite is because for every coupon you use from them you get points for more free stuff which to me is just a plus!!!

Swagbucks <<< This place is just ever so nice! (and they have an app!) Happy Savings Guys!!!

We all had spaghetti nights.... they are cheap, easy and fun to play with!!!

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