Monday, December 27, 2010


Well now that Christmas is over I thought I'd lay down what we did for Christmas Cards this year. offers a huge way to say yourself for the extra work of sending out Christmas cards every year. All you have to do is pick the card pick the picture and put your addresses in for delivery and everything is sent out for you. If you choose not to send the cards by using the offered option you can have them sent to your house and from there add your Christmas letter etc. and send them out yourself.
This is perfect for those times that you don't have time.
So that's my tip for the day I'll be adding more after work!!
Enjoy the last couple of days of the year... I know I will!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Update of the christmas week

Soo it's been a while, managed to catch the flu and be totaled out on the couch. Aside from my wanting to wish you a happy set of Holidays and a Merry Christmas, I just wanted to remind you that Viruses don't take a vacation. So when you set up your new toys don't forget to keep them up to date and protected!!!
Many happy wishes to you I'll log in when I'm less icky with some new and improved freeware updates and more tips to keep the computer safe!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Something news for you to know about Vista

Windows Vista has been an underrated Operating system. A lot of people don't like Vista because of a bunch of random reasons. I've personally become quite fond of Vista, there's a lot of memory required for the operating system it self but if you have the right equipment it's a great system to work on. But beyond all of that I started this post because of the parental controls that are offered on Vista.
Here a list of amazing tricks on Vista
There's a time limit control offered
Ratings for Games that are allowed by choice
A block for specific internet sites that are preset within the system
and of course windows defender which is a really nice anti-virus program that's for free that's installed with the Operating system.
So for all you parents out there think Vista when you're buying think Vista!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Portable North Pole

Something new for Christmas you can send to friends, its all fun and games of course you can send personal messages from Santa himself which is great for children and even funnier for adults. There's an option for Iphones with PNP app which is always fun to send off messages while on the go. So this is a fun one go ahead and grab it up right here.
Enjoy oh and new updates to come.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Rootkit's ***A must read post!!!***

It's been like 3 days I know... the labors of work, it happens.
But I came across something that needs to be covered... badly.
In recent days I found a terribly damaged computer that was being used (unknowingly) to push porn(kiddie, the worst kind) and to steal the identity of the owner. Which brings me to today's subject, Rootkits. You can't see them you can't stop the (with out the proper equipment) and you have no idea what they're doing when your looking. It's almost like a very scary and sick Santa Claus. The operator sees you but you can't see them.
Definition time.... A rootkit is software that enables continued privileged access to a computer while actively hiding its presence from administrators by subverting standard operating system functionality or other applications. As I said before the owner of the process can see you but you can't see them... and they're taking stuff and moving terrible things in your computer.

Typically, an attacker installs a rootkit on a computer after first obtaining root-level access, either by exploiting a known vulnerability or by obtaining a password (either by cracking the encryption, or through social engineering). Once a rootkit is installed, it allows an attacker to mask the ongoing intrusion and maintain privileged access to the computer by circumventing normal authentication and authorization mechanisms. Knowing this now, I Direct your attention to the fact that it starts with cracking a password... either your email or your social page(face book, twitter, etc.) or even your router... I suggest you look into my router blog post... prevention for this is on that.

But this brings me to the fact that your passwords need to be lengthy confusing and filled with numbers and letter to avoid cracking them... and never save any of them on your browser.... that is the easiest way to start the worst month of your life.
So let us get to the prevention parts... Firewalls are good but rootkit removers are good to have on hand for good measure, on top of the regular anti-virus software you should have. But for those who find out that it is too late to fix... hopefully you read my backing up post because you're going to have to reinstall everything once you're too far along. You will lose everything if you haven't backed it up. So now it's time to hand over my list of stuff you should have... you know the free stuff that can help!
Rootkit Revealer
Rootkit Buster

Are my only two choices in keeping you safe but if you go down to my previous posts you will find choices in firewalls. I suggest that you grab one and make it work for you, the more protection the better!!!
So I have to go back to work now but enjoy your safety!!
Because PC Safety is the best way to keep your identity!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

OMG I almost forgot!

So in my slow morning movements I almost for got to tell you about Open Office, it's a free version of all the windows office stuff for those of you who have nothing to work with and can't pay, plus it can cross over if you send your docs to someone who does have word excel etc. Great FreeWare works the same as word, excel and power point only it's free and doesn't take as much memory away from the computer. Since I'm on this subject, for those of you who don't want Adobe reader you can get another program (yay free ware) called FoxIt , it takes way less space and doesn't update every five seconds. Beautiful... now that I got that out here are the sites!!!
Fox it
Open Office

And both can also be found on as well!
Happy Downloading!

All I can say after finding this is wow!

In my constant quest to learn more I was looking around to find something that could teach me programming for free by hand (I'm more of a "let's see if I can do it" person) so wondering the vast and wide internet I found software called Small basic it's essentially the easiest way for a child to learn basic (or beginners, don't judge me) It come's with a curriculum to learn as you go to bring you up to speed up to the language of visual basic (this is for you my wise man you talked about it last night) that you can grab on the website for free with the software. So if you want to advance yourself to another level of education you can use I'm putting this one out there because I believe all education should be free.
Click ----> Here
Just so you all know this is something that Microsoft threw out there (Go Bill) to make programming fun!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

This is for you guys!

Picasa - * * * *

Yet another moment in time where I was blindly testing things out on Google. I was looking to edit some pictures and found picasa a Google photo editing software that uses effects and such to make your photos a ton better looking when you don't use makeup (I was rather lazy). It's a clean and organized software, makes for an easier day I suppose. In the multitude of choices I saw that you can make a collage, a poster and a Cd for family (Holidays are around the corner just think about that for a minute). On top of all this you can make little movies with what you have in your albums (beats paying for it at the store). My personal favorite you can publish all of this on blogger and poof family photos on the family blog, always cool. If you have some photos you want to touch up this is so far the best that I have worked with, you can remove the worst teenage face issues with ease. (I still have it and I'm not even a teen) And if you're feeling like you need to goof around with photos it also allows you to connect to PicNik, one of those fun tools that's always a blast to play with.
Sooo here's my vote with a 4 stars for Picasa and there interesting photo tools by Google.
I'm going to be goofing around with more software out there so keep your eyes open for some new reviews.
Oh and check the new photo!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ahh Sunday....

Welcome no thoughts Sunday,
After Yesterdays long work day I didn't have the chance to up date anything of interest or add something new to this here unpublished book or random knowledge.
So today it going to be about the life of your computer. How long can it really last? Well I'm working with an 8 year old Dell, it's lasted me from the end of high school, and lasted through all sorts of random moves random weather and one marriage. As much as I'd like to say it will last for ever I know the only thing that will really last is the case(and i will build something new in that) . I guess we can tag this blog under tips and tricks on how to keep your computer last longer.
Here's my list of how to keep it going even its in the lower end of technology (good to the last beep I suppose)
*First things first if there's a storm coming shut it down and unplug it (you never know when the surge will get you) you have a lesser chance of it exploding on you as well.

*We went over the whole cat thing but I'll say it again if you have a cat keep it away from your computer (or just ditch the cat).

*Make sure your computers in a well air circulated area if its in a corner your gonna lose it quicker than you think.

*Room temperature or a little cold (not to much) keeping your computer cool is a great way to keep it from melting from the inside out... literally, what ever the temperature is in your house inside the computer it's about 10 to 20 degrees warmer.

*I didn't know if this should be in here but just in case.... avoid water being near your computer. We all know why and if you don't go ahead and use your toaster in the bath tub, your going to get a good lesson out of that.

*If your computer is shut off throw a plastic cover over it (keep the crap out even in down time)

*I always say reformatted at the end of the year but some people like to do it every six months, now this is one of those things where you backup what you need wipe the partition reinstall the operating system and start all over (this is not for the basic PC users) this is a choice item (as in it's your choice). I do it every year just to keep my dell from cluttering with files.

*Last but not least, another one of my repetitive rants make sure your anti-virus software is always up to date. If you don't your computer is gonna bite the dust...

So that is my Sunday tip of the day.... back to work with me.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

5 things if you didn't do before you should now.....

In my recent work from home computer repair days I've notice a lacking in some basic B to the Gates knowledge....
So Let me lay it down for you here's my top ten basics for windows...

1. Windows update.... you need to update it in the the last three computers I've fixed each one only had SP1 (Windows XP) we're currently on SP3 (Service Pack = SP)

2. Active X... it's not a want, its a need you need it to get your windows update done, plus anything else you might need to get on the DL from File Hippo etc.

3. Disk Defrag & Disk cleaner (I covered this earlier) is there for a reason... please use it

4. Any thing that your ISP ( internet service provider) as anti virus software.... sucks, use my list you will be better protected.

5. If a virus has shut you down and you can still use email, find me here and have me fix it up...

Well how 'bout them connections....

Last night I went to bed thinking what oh what could I talk about, that thought stayed in my head until 330am (that the the dukes of hazard was on and I couldn't look away) Just before I closed my eyes I got it. Networking made easy.
Since there are levels this to this I'm labeling this one the basic session because why start at advance.
So here is my ez guide to what you should know/do about your network.
We will start with the knowing.
So you just brought home a router (and if you didn't that's OK). You should know how to stay secure. Your router just came with a disc. You follow the instructions(plug it in and make sure its connected) Then the interesting questions come in What you want to name it (this is known as the SSID), you should name it something different so that you know that it is yours (i.e. Smith house, joe's connection) . Then another question comes up about what security you want WEP, WPA, or WPA2. Now this is actually easier than most of you think there's just a couple of questions to answer before you pick.
Do I have wireless? No. Then you want WEP. (see easy)
Now if the answer is Yes, then you want WPA. And as far as WPA2 goes we will get to that at a later time. (that one is a tad bit confusing I have to word it properly and I haven't yet.) Now with the both choices you have to give a password, use letters and numbers and as many of them as you can so that if someone did want to hack your internet connection they would be spending enough time to want to quit. Passwords should be changed every month but, the same goes with emails social pages any account you would have. I have a suggestion for that if you have a different password on everything you just rotate them until you have used them all and then come up with a new series of passwords (and I mean completely different no same words, and numbers) when you do this just write them down somewhere only you will find it and poof your covered.
Well this has been Networking made EZ.
Like I have said before have questions, comments or any subject you would like covered I would be more than happy to tell you or write long rant about it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Website hosting... my list of free bee's

On with my crazy list of free stuff I decided that website hosting seemed to be a good place to start seeing as that has been a good portion of my searching today.
So here would be my list....
and of course the Google Sites page I had previously mentioned.. look at the side bar it's there.
I checked out each site they all are on the easiest levels of get it done in my world HTML is just something I don't dig with, it gets a little too confusing sometimes. So enjoy your list of possible ways to get the word out. If you don't want to do that you can always hit up the blogger people (yet another Google owned place) and do yourself up one of those nice little personal blogs I always see.

Peace Love and Elbow Grease!!

Google-rific 10 things You didn't know you could do with Google

Google the search engine that does it all and then breaks a law has much more than you would think for the average search engine... which of course there's something new everyday. But here's my top 10 list of what you didn't know you could do with Google.
1. Google Pack it chooses the best ways and free software that can speed up and help your internet search computer as well as more random stuff you didn't know you needed.

2. Google lab's Chrome experiments and entire website dedicated to you turning Google chrome into a new java scripting adventure, create by the people for the people.

3. Google Knol an entire listening of sharing what you know with others and reading what you don't know about, you can publish your own expertise.

4. Google Books, an entire library of E books some are free and some you have to pay for but if your bored at work and YouTube is too loud you can always read a free book.

5. Google Patents this one I found to be a bit weird but to each his own you can search for a patent and there are like 7 million of them. I guess if you want to buy the patent go for it.

6. Google Code this one is an entire site dedicated to teaching and playing with code and programming I found it to be interesting. Programming can be fun it you want to play on the code playground.

7. Google Realtime you can literally search for whats going on right now all over the world from popular blogs to news sights and the ever famous social sites (in my opinion awesome way to one up twitter Google)

8. Google Sketch up this one I found recently I absolutely love it, it takes a minute to figure everything out but its more fun than I had thought you can draw anything you want and it comes out amazing. Proof that you don't have to know how to draw to make something beautiful.

9. The last one leads me to this one here, Google Building Maker
it's an extension to sketch up but it is fun as well, you can make the buildings and it can be placed on Google earth for the building lists that they have. There are some amazing ones up there but there's room for greatness everywhere.

Last but of course not least we have reached number ten. This is a good one too.

10. Google has released an APP Inventor for Droid. This program is hard to get but when you do get it the wait will be worth it. It's a regular people way to make Apps for droid phones and those with the android software. It allows a live look as you work on your phone to make the app, so that you know if something is wrong while you are making the app itself no programming then stopping to test it. It allows you to use many of the Google apps out there as well to show places or gps items needed etc. By far it is the best rare release yet.

And that my dears is my list of 10 things you didn't know you could do with Google. And is you did know shhh let other people read it so they know too don't ruin the surprise.


Yet another thing to reference my wise man in, he seems to be the all knowing for all the best ideas.
NVU is a what you see is what you get HTML editor. For all of us novice people in the website department. You literally don't have to know anything about building a web site to know it can be the bomb if you use the right equipment, which in this Case is NVU . Originally this was for Linux but as time wore on this became a great place for all different users who just wanted to put up a site with out using the the basic templates that others had to offer(I like what I have now but I will be upgrading it soon) . It takes less space then the adobe creative suite( you need some serious hardware to keep that on your computer) and takes less effort but like I said before it is what you see is what you get so you always want to make sure that you like what you see before you throw it on your site. Currently it works with HTML4 but since Google is opening up HTML5 there will have to be an update.
But if your into updating your current site to look a tad bit better this is the thing to have (plus its a freebee adobe isn't, and we all know my statement if its not free its not really worth it)
If you want it its here for the taking -----> NVU
And keep your eyes open I'm going to dressing this place up soon!

Safe surfing part duex

Today I woke up and remembered a good friend and great teacher tell me that I needed to add more to my safe surfing by telling everyone about open DNS. I would never turn down a wise mans advice, so here is how safe surfing can be even safer.
OpenDNS is a DNS (Domain Name System) resolution service. OpenDNS offers advanced features, such as misspelling correction, phishing(pronounced fishing) protection, and optional content filtering. In short it keeps you from even having the chance to click on something that could possible harm your computer (if you chose, there are many choices to be offered). Now this is an alternative to using your current ISP's (internet service provider I.E. aol, comcast)DNS server. They get paid to allow ad's in and even if they're the type of ad's that can cause your life to be a constant cycle of paying someone to remove viruses. Because Open Dns has multiple places they have servers at you won't notice it but the internet will be a smidgen faster, but the speed itself depends on what it is you're looking for, and how many people are on at the same time not only in your house but also online around your area. But since your ISP has a god awful amount of people on it while you're on the change itself it nicer.
As far as features go this is the thing to have it has the auto correction for spelling so no being directed to garbage sites which lead to more garbage sites(terrible that is how you get a virus) and so on. It's more of less thinking more getting there and doing what you need thing which is always wonderful. Also you get the anti Phishing another wonderful preventive to virus collection, on top of which if you do get an ad that has the phishing you can report it to them and they will have it thrown in to what they call a phishtank( Ha Ha I got it Fish tank "Badam Ching"). And they offer the greatest options for parents and corporate companies by setting up a block filter by categories (there are some software companies that offer to do the same but as my theory goes why pay when it can be free). As well as the opportunity to block site by suggestion to Open DNS, which is beautiful because the more people have that the safer we all are(Rock on). If you really don't want to suggest anything you can actually pick from one of their finely tunes lists of things you want block by category there's a good amount of them you just pick what you want and off you go!
There are some options to pay for extras but just rock the free one and you should be good to go!
Now that that has been said heres the website ---> OpenDNS
I will also be listing it on my side bar per the norm just for future reference!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Back to Basics..

Well I started with a lot of information but I'm going back to the basics general stuff you should know about how to care for your computer!
Cleaning seems like a good spot to start.
If you got some gross stuff on your screen DO NOT use Windex, or any other glass or all purpose cleaner instead do yourself a favor and hit it with a microfiber towel (you know the kind that you use for glasses) or a damp cloth. Not to wet not to dry don't go ruining your keyboard or monitor with something that's going to electrocute you. Bill Nye the science guy would not approve of fuzzy hair and a shock to your system.
Well moving on to my ultra favorite subject... and for those cat lovers out there cover your eyes, you won't like this.
If you have a cat its quickly ruining your computer, they like warm stuff, their fur makes your computer warmer by sucking up their shedding hair. So your computer is now going to survive half the time it would with out a cat. News for you right? Kick the cat out... you know you want to.
Moving on.....
Since your computer seems to run a little slow here are some quick regular activities you should run every week.
What you're going to run is Disk Defragmenter and Disk Clean up they both take a bit of time but it will speed the computer up when you've noticed it's gotten slower. Just remember once a week.
Now I know I left a list earlier of anti-virus free ware, but realized shortly after that I would want to leave a basic list the easiest to use for the lesser of the computer literate. Sooooo time for a new list. (Of course on FileHippo)
SpyBot Search & Destroy

Now for ComboFix you will find on Download by Cnet.
All the links are on the side bar of my blog.

I think that covers it for my basics.
And once again any questions? I can give you answers.

Safe surfing the first step to computer saftey...

Safe Surfing is the best way to prevent viruses before they become an issue on your computer. Phishing is the best way to get stuck with a Trojan or random virus you may not even know you have yet. It can be any site that you can click on even a news site that can grab your computer and tear the place up.
So before the virus gets to you I suggest grabbing a better protected browser!
Here's my list
Google Chrome

Now with Firefox they have some nice add-ons that you can have your own design to make the browser nice looking as well as anti-phishing like ad-block and no script that you can add in to your browser and see what is being blocked and continue to block ads that can be considered a danger to your computer if clicked. You can find theses on the Mozilla privacy and security page found here.
Opera also has these same extensions and add-ons with a few extra's like Opera Mail and some browsers that you can have on your smart phones(you can get viruses on those as well) and all of the information on those extensions can be found here.
Google Chrome has these same features and they can be seen here in detail.
Just remember safe surfing is happy surfing!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Any questions?

Anyone have topics you would like me to cover or questions you would like answers to just let me know and I would be more then happy to answer them for you!

Compter imaging and back up the why and how of it all

You may ask yourself why on earth would I ever back up or image my computer? Well there are multiple reasons but lets just start with some basics....
Lets say you have such a bad case of viruses even your local tech can't save what you have.... and now because you have nothing to restore it you have to start all over...
Now the same can happen with a hard drive melt down or any number of things happening to your hardware... nothing to save your computer and no back up you've just lost a good amount of information, pictures ect.
Now I know that you all aren't like my husband and I who print every picture and have it put in picture books by the wonderful ritz camera people. Once its gone its gone, so now that you know that this happens(more often then you would think) what should you do about it? Imaging. Imaging is literally taking the computer and making a copy of it and putting it on an external hard drive or disc(I personally suggest external hard drive) and poof you have a pure copy of your computer down to the software and operating system you had on it before a malfunction! Now the suggestion is to image your computer for every time you change something in the registry an example being new software. But I would do it once a week (Also make sure that your computer is virus free of a world of confusing issues and sadness will take place.)So that if something does happen that is out of your control you can just reformat and replace everything that you have. Now the software you can use for this it O&O DiskImage Express which of course can be found at FILEHIPPO I also suggest Norton Ghost and Acronis True and many others that you have to pay for in and since I'm on this Here is the TOP TEN for 2011. You can get a good amount of them for the try before you buy setting at Download by CNET (the link is attached just search Computer imaging/ Backup). But I still stick to my free ware because anything free is better than paying. Now about all of this when you download just follow the given instructions and you will be on your way to imaging in no time. Now for back up windows has a good backup setting but its not something I prefer over another Program on FileHippo Called Recuva now I prefer this because if you accidentally deleted something or a virus destroyed it the Recuva program can bring it back un-infected ect. Backing up however will just restore files picture mp3's and so on nothing hug like your operating system this is good if something was lost in a virus removal or like I said before an accidental deleting. I suggest you back up your computer (virus free of-course) once a month or by weekly it really all depends on what you're doing on your computer and how often your uploading pictures or files.
Now enough on my ranting, just remember all of these given links are on the side bar of my blog!

Want a website but don't want to pay to build it??

Google has some new opportunity to build your own sight by using their easy to use process. You can do just about anything from creating a family website to share with those who live far away for updates to creating a way to grow your business!
I think the pick the template and add what you need is the easiest way to go.
So for those out there who want to endeavor in a little website project this is the place to go Google Sites. Just click on the words and you will be sent on your new and easy journey to the website world!

Here's the list of computer place to shop...

Christmas is almost here and this is my list of places to buy what you want with out a large tag attached.
Tiger Direct
Price watch this site takes some time so be prepared!
So of your in the business of wanting to buy what you want those are the places to go oh and one more Amazon do yourself a favor and avoid those high price places and do yourself one better buy shopping on line because it can be sent to store if is not already there (and Newegg doesn't carry taxes).
And enjoy your holiday knowing you saved a bundle!!!

'Tis the Season... To be Infected??

Well all through out the year we manage to get virus infected by one simple click, it doesn't even have to be a non-legit site either!
So I have my list of keep it clean anti-virus software!!
Now remember you can always have one or more ways to protect yourself because many is better than nothing at all!!!(and more then one is always the best route to go!)
Here's my list!

Windows Defender
AntiVir Personal

CWShedder (this is best to stop pop ups and website redirects)
And of course my favorite Firewall software Comodo

Now all of these can be found free (no 30 day then pay)

And remember it's the season to avoid paying for help so keep yourself protected on those new Christmas computers!!