Saturday, December 4, 2010

Well how 'bout them connections....

Last night I went to bed thinking what oh what could I talk about, that thought stayed in my head until 330am (that the the dukes of hazard was on and I couldn't look away) Just before I closed my eyes I got it. Networking made easy.
Since there are levels this to this I'm labeling this one the basic session because why start at advance.
So here is my ez guide to what you should know/do about your network.
We will start with the knowing.
So you just brought home a router (and if you didn't that's OK). You should know how to stay secure. Your router just came with a disc. You follow the instructions(plug it in and make sure its connected) Then the interesting questions come in What you want to name it (this is known as the SSID), you should name it something different so that you know that it is yours (i.e. Smith house, joe's connection) . Then another question comes up about what security you want WEP, WPA, or WPA2. Now this is actually easier than most of you think there's just a couple of questions to answer before you pick.
Do I have wireless? No. Then you want WEP. (see easy)
Now if the answer is Yes, then you want WPA. And as far as WPA2 goes we will get to that at a later time. (that one is a tad bit confusing I have to word it properly and I haven't yet.) Now with the both choices you have to give a password, use letters and numbers and as many of them as you can so that if someone did want to hack your internet connection they would be spending enough time to want to quit. Passwords should be changed every month but, the same goes with emails social pages any account you would have. I have a suggestion for that if you have a different password on everything you just rotate them until you have used them all and then come up with a new series of passwords (and I mean completely different no same words, and numbers) when you do this just write them down somewhere only you will find it and poof your covered.
Well this has been Networking made EZ.
Like I have said before have questions, comments or any subject you would like covered I would be more than happy to tell you or write long rant about it.

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