Sunday, December 5, 2010

Ahh Sunday....

Welcome no thoughts Sunday,
After Yesterdays long work day I didn't have the chance to up date anything of interest or add something new to this here unpublished book or random knowledge.
So today it going to be about the life of your computer. How long can it really last? Well I'm working with an 8 year old Dell, it's lasted me from the end of high school, and lasted through all sorts of random moves random weather and one marriage. As much as I'd like to say it will last for ever I know the only thing that will really last is the case(and i will build something new in that) . I guess we can tag this blog under tips and tricks on how to keep your computer last longer.
Here's my list of how to keep it going even its in the lower end of technology (good to the last beep I suppose)
*First things first if there's a storm coming shut it down and unplug it (you never know when the surge will get you) you have a lesser chance of it exploding on you as well.

*We went over the whole cat thing but I'll say it again if you have a cat keep it away from your computer (or just ditch the cat).

*Make sure your computers in a well air circulated area if its in a corner your gonna lose it quicker than you think.

*Room temperature or a little cold (not to much) keeping your computer cool is a great way to keep it from melting from the inside out... literally, what ever the temperature is in your house inside the computer it's about 10 to 20 degrees warmer.

*I didn't know if this should be in here but just in case.... avoid water being near your computer. We all know why and if you don't go ahead and use your toaster in the bath tub, your going to get a good lesson out of that.

*If your computer is shut off throw a plastic cover over it (keep the crap out even in down time)

*I always say reformatted at the end of the year but some people like to do it every six months, now this is one of those things where you backup what you need wipe the partition reinstall the operating system and start all over (this is not for the basic PC users) this is a choice item (as in it's your choice). I do it every year just to keep my dell from cluttering with files.

*Last but not least, another one of my repetitive rants make sure your anti-virus software is always up to date. If you don't your computer is gonna bite the dust...

So that is my Sunday tip of the day.... back to work with me.

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