Thursday, December 2, 2010

Back to Basics..

Well I started with a lot of information but I'm going back to the basics general stuff you should know about how to care for your computer!
Cleaning seems like a good spot to start.
If you got some gross stuff on your screen DO NOT use Windex, or any other glass or all purpose cleaner instead do yourself a favor and hit it with a microfiber towel (you know the kind that you use for glasses) or a damp cloth. Not to wet not to dry don't go ruining your keyboard or monitor with something that's going to electrocute you. Bill Nye the science guy would not approve of fuzzy hair and a shock to your system.
Well moving on to my ultra favorite subject... and for those cat lovers out there cover your eyes, you won't like this.
If you have a cat its quickly ruining your computer, they like warm stuff, their fur makes your computer warmer by sucking up their shedding hair. So your computer is now going to survive half the time it would with out a cat. News for you right? Kick the cat out... you know you want to.
Moving on.....
Since your computer seems to run a little slow here are some quick regular activities you should run every week.
What you're going to run is Disk Defragmenter and Disk Clean up they both take a bit of time but it will speed the computer up when you've noticed it's gotten slower. Just remember once a week.
Now I know I left a list earlier of anti-virus free ware, but realized shortly after that I would want to leave a basic list the easiest to use for the lesser of the computer literate. Sooooo time for a new list. (Of course on FileHippo)
SpyBot Search & Destroy

Now for ComboFix you will find on Download by Cnet.
All the links are on the side bar of my blog.

I think that covers it for my basics.
And once again any questions? I can give you answers.

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